Welcome to Professor Chris Fletcher’s website at the University of Waterloo
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My research group uses a hierarchy of global climate models to analyse climate variability and change on timescales from seasons to centuries.
- Global climate variability and change
- Climate modelling and dynamics
- Extratropical teleconnections and their role in seasonal-to-decadal climate variability
- Land-ocean-atmosphere feedbacks
- Using machine-learning to improve the efficiency of Earth System Modelling
Funded projects:
My group’s research receives funding support from multiple sources. A Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant (2020-2024) entitled “Using statistical learning to build better Earth System Models” and another from Microsoft under the AI for Social Good program, seek to harness the power of big data analytics to improve the efficiency and calibration of physics-based models of Earth's climate. Since 2018 my group has also received funding from the Canadian Space Agency to study how satellite radar instruments can be used to measure snowfall over land and sea ice regions of Canada's North. From 2013-18 I was a co-investigator on two NSERC networks funded as part of the Climate Change and Atmospheric Research (CCAR) program: the Canadian Sea Ice and Snow Evolution (CanSISE) Network, and the Network on Climate and Aerosols (NETCARE).
Current positions:
- Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management
- Cross-appointed to the Department of Applied Mathematics
- Member of the governing body for the Waterloo Climate Institute
- Affiliated member of University of Waterloo's Computational Mathematics program
Positions previously held:
- Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo (2010-2017).
- SHARCNET Research Chair (2010-2012), University of Waterloo
- Research Associate (2008-2010) at University of Toronto
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (2005-2008) at University of Toronto
- PhD (2005) at University College London, UK.
- MSc (2001) at University of Reading, UK.
- BSc (2000) at University of Manchester, UK.